Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lee's Sandwiches - Westminister, CA

On a family vacation to Southern California, we went to Little Saigon in Westminster for dinner at our parent's favorite Vietnamese restaurant. Afterwards, we drove around Little Saigon to see the sights and noticed that there were long lines at Lee's Sandwiches. We took a mental note of this place as somewhere we would want to eat. Long lines are usually a result of great food. We mentioned Lee's Sandwiches during dinner at Aunt Jackie and Uncle Mike's, and they confirmed that we should go there. On our last day in California we were back in the Westminster area and decided to go eat at Lee's Sandwiches before we headed off to the airport. I am so glad we did!

We selected a banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich) off the menu board to share. It was so delicious, we jumped back in line and bought three more to bring with us on the plane. Everything about these sandwiches scream fresh. The french rolls are baked fresh several times a day. The banh mi are topped with pickled vegetables and a variety of herbs including cilantro and basil pulled fresh from the garden. The lunch meats, usually ham, roasted pork, a pork roll called cha lua, and pate, are fresh and delicious. Below is a picture of the three sandwiches in my lap, mid-munching at the Dallas airport:

While these are very portable and make a delicious snack, we would recommend that these sandwiches not be brought on a plane. The smell definitely filled the air! While we were at the store, we tried the delicious, freshly made, Deli Majoo. They are bite size pastries with a creamy custard filling. Asian pastries are not overly sweet like other desserts so they were a perfect ending to our lunch.

You can find Lee's Sandwiches predominately in California. However, there are a few locations that are outside of California: Dallas and Houston, Texas; Chandler, Arizona; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and coming soon Las Vegas. If you are interested in knowing more about Lee's Sandwiches, checkout their website:

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